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Kelly Cano

SuperStar Director


My Story

Scentsy was introduced to me by a high school friend in 2009. Not ever trying a Scentsy product, I decided to jump in and give it a try.  I originally joined to get me out of the house, have something I could call mine and be able to contribute to the household income. I simply wanted to use my Scentsy money to treat my family to something nice.

My first party changed my why. I discovered how fragrance makes people feel, create laughter and invoked memories. I saw how a little fragrance company can change the lives of others. My team of men and women build a community which gives them a sense of belonging. Scentsy brings joy to customers, consultants and families, helps financially through commissions, team building, fundraisers and even incentive trips. It has helped me and many of my team members boost our confidence. It has evoked a passion I never knew existed.

Now I love sharing the passion and help others through their journey as well.  Scentsy truly changes lives.  I would love to help you start your journey today!  

What's warming in my home